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DataMost popular FAQs


We know Business to Consumer (B2C) data very well. Your next marketing campaign is more likely to be a success with highly targeted data.

We can also help with marketing fulfilment. We own our own Email and SMS marketing platform.

Get in touch with one of our data experts to talk through your B2C data needs today.


If you need to target consumers with your product and services then you need to talk to us about which consumer mailing list or lifestyle data is best suited to you.


Yes of course. Your are the soul owner of your lists.
You can download you subscribers into any spreadsheet. The file it will be downloaded in is a .CSV file.


You can edit or delete individuals / entire lists from your account.
The small icons located to the right of each subscriber enables you to edit or delete them.


We know Business to Business (B2B) data very well. Your next marketing campaign is more likely to be a success with highly targeted data.

We can also help with marketing fulfilment. We own our own Email and SMS marketing platform.

Get in touch with one of our data experts to talk through your B2B data needs today.

Data FAQs

Do you remove or credit duplicates for marketing contacts I already own?



Should you upload your data to our platform, we can then screen your existing data against any data count we do for you. Eliminating you re-buying duplicates for records you already own. Our system automatically uses either an email address, mobile number or both together to identify an individual. This creates a tight system of only one instance of a contact ever existing in your online database with us. Other providers may differ.

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